I can’t get rid of the plaque build up behind my teeth, how can I improve this problem?

Hello Jose! Well, I was wondering if you can help me. My bottom four teeth tend to build up a lot of plaque behind them, I brush vigorously behind them trying to remove it, but always it builds up again! When i visit my dentist he removes it with his scrubber machine! And tells me to brush more regularly, i do this but it never seems to work. Can you tell me if this has anything to do with maybe some gum disease i have or give me some tips on how to improve this problem? Thanks alot mate!
Hi, I believe that you are talking about plaque/calculus build-up on your lower incisors? Well, there are some of us who will build up plaque slowly, other more rapidly. This is a preferred location for calculus build-up, especially on the tongue side. This has to do with the location of the salivary glad openings to the mouth. This is, per se, not a problem and your hygienist can remove this at your regular checks. If you control better the soft plaque build-up, the mineralization into calculus will be reduced, but as long as you have teeth there and saliva, you will always form calculus…
It’s about keeping it under good control with regular scaling sessions with your dentist/hygienist. This is most important if you are prone to develop gum inflammation. Calculus forms a great “bed” for more bacteria to grow and this will enhance inflammation on the gums…. There’s the link!
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: www.malldental.com Tel: 0161 830 7300

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