As a chef my my mouth’s health is in constant doubt, what should I do?

Hello Dr Zurdo I am a thirty four year old who has been working as a chef for about twelve years now. In many ways it has ruined me whilst making me! I have put on a lot of weight indeed! and feel this has moved my teeth about and crowded them a fair bit. also with all the sugars involved (natural salts and sugars in foods as well as the white & brown condiments/ingredients) my gums have been hit hard along with a few teeth that needed filling. My gums don’t bleed but I think that’s due to my carefulness around them when brushing, but there is some slight inflammation and a bit of tenderness in areas (not everywhere) this has only recently come to light and I want to know if this is gum disease or not? and what can be done. stay safe..
Oh!! The life of chefs is so stressful!! I do understand you. I would not be able to tell, just by your comments, if you have destructive gum disease. The gums can react with inflammation if affected by different things: ill-fitting fillings, secondary decay (cavities under existing fillings) or even, if decay becomes so deep that infects the pulp. Please request a periodontal (gum) screening next time you visit your dentist. He may need to take a small radiograph to determine if supporting bone has been lost already on the teeth with suspected inflamed gums…Do it asap…
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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