Posts tagged “catch gum disease”

In your opinion would you say that I have gum disease?

February 17th, 2012

Good day,

I have being having bleeding gums for a very long time when ever I brush and have something like blisters that come inside my mouth once in a while and my gums are not pink in colour and most parts of it are red and due to a commercial I saw recently, I have reasonable cause to believe I have gum disease.

I want to find out ifthese symptoms is a sign of this disease of its just anxiety that the commercial was referring to me because I really never took notice of it and paid little attention to it until yesterday when the bleeding continued when I was brushing and when the wound seemed to have healed,I started feeling the pains again.

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

Can bleeding gums point to anything other than gum disease?

January 13th, 2012

Does bleeding gums definatly mean gum disease when brushing?
I get little bit of bleeding when brushing
And when eating I dometimes get really bad pain at the back of my teeth had this for ages
Now today and last night I have had a constant horrible pain in my back two teeth causing headache and a little swelling ! I don’t really know how to treat it I’ve taken paracetamol just so I could get to sleep and I brush my teeth more times which seems to reduce the pain but it’s not gone away completely know matter what I do ? I know I shouldnt but I drink alot of fizzy drinks all the time energy drink in morning and at weekends coke sometimes during day but I also drink alot of milk an orange juice! Alot of fast food and take sways but salad and veg is well I have a healthy lunch and never usually eat sweets but occasionally chocolate but it hurts to eat chocolate so I hardly do It and if I do I suck it the pain is always at the back mostly right

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

How quickly can you contract gum disease?

January 11th, 2012

OK , i’ll say i havn’t been brushing my teeth the past week cause i’ve been so busy and tired i’ve been forgetting to brush so tonight i brushed them and they started bleeding round the front upper teeth, do i just need to brush more or could it be gum disease? I hope it isnt i’m just wondering cause my teeth have starting bleeding after brushing but i then asked my mum and she said gum disease but im not sure is she is joking or being serious?

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

I have a dark ‘blob’ on my gum, could it be gum disease?

December 23rd, 2011

Hello. Dr Ian Dunn I have a question about my gums and I’m worried I may have gum disease at an early form. I dont think I have ever had gum disease as i have never had any issues with my gums before now, not any of the ones listed on this website anyway. the problem is I was looking at my gums whilst flossing the other day and I noticed there is small dark patch just above my right upper central tooth. it looks like a vein would just under the surface, dark. but its a blob shape not a wirey shape? I have never noticed it before so i assume its new, its now been there for three days and has worried me a little what would be your thiughts on this situation? thank you

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

Will antibiotics help stop my gums aching and bleeding?

December 22nd, 2011


I have had aching gums for a while now and didn’t realise that it was anything abnormal.  I went to the dentist and he told me that It has meant that I have been pressing my teeth together which has probably made matters worse. I only realised when my dentist said that I need to start flossing. Is that going to cure things or do I need to take anti-biotics? I dont want to keep going on with bleeding and aching gums.

Thanks for your help

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

My gums have receded and revealed a ‘notch in my tooth’, do I have gum disease?

December 22nd, 2011

Hi there, I am 25 years old. Recently, I have noticed that the gums at the tops of my teeth appear to be wearing away slightly and there is now a ‘notch’ between the top of my tooth and the gumline. I don’t have any real pain but some sensitivity when I brush. Also, the top part of my tooth seems to be a slightly different colour to the original tooth. I visited a dentist and he advised me that this was ‘nothing to worry about and probably from overbrushing’ but that it seemes ‘slightly worse than normal for people of my age’. I’m still concerned and looking for further answers and solutions. Is there anything I can do to help this, prevent it from worsening, or even reverse it? and do you think this could be gum disease? Many thanks

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

My gums are tender and bleed from time to time, do I have gum disease?

November 28th, 2011

hello there I have a question for you please, when considering the symptoms that you see everywhere on the web with respect also to this website, of gum disease. is there any other symptoms to look for? my gums are really tender and bleed if they are caught awkwardly with a brush or sharp bit of an apple even for example. I wanted to know if this could mean that I have gum disease I know that bleeding gums is one of the common signs of gum disease and I did ask if there was anything else I should look out for but this is because I do not have any of the other symptoms so I wanted to just look out for any other signs if there were any indeed. if there isn’t does this simply mean that I am at not at an advanced stage of gum disease? thank you for any response.

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

I have had red gums for 6 years. The doctors gave me medicine twice ,but nothing helps, what do I do?

October 12th, 2011

I have had red gums for 6 years,dentist tryed every thing then i went to doctors she gave me medicine twice ,but nothing helps, could you help me ,i must say i did have Pylora

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

Once my gingivitis has been treated can it return?

October 12th, 2011

if gingivitis is receding how quickly can it return? I used to have gingivitis and got over it/eradicated it. however I went to the dentist the other day and now im booked in to see the hygienist because my gums were bleeding when he probed them? If gum disease dying could it just return at the drop of a hat or does it not die as such? If not whats the fastest way I cacn get rid of it i dont think it is major anymore just sort of there niggling so i assume it shouldnt be to hard to get rid of?
also what does the dentist mean when he probed your gums (with that spike on a stick) and says “2…2…2…2″ to his assistant on the computer or is that different with everyone?

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

Can I catch gum disease through kissing?

July 22nd, 2011

Hi, my husbands just been told that he has gum disease of our family dentist, so I am just wondering if it’s possible that someone else catch it through kissing?

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300