I think my gums are receding, can you help?

Hi there Dr Zurdo I am a little worried that I may have gum recession but I cannot tell whether this is the case or not. I have noticed over the last couple of weeks that I have a few small gaps appearing around my front teeth right where the gum would normally come to a point between them. also my right incisor looks a little too long. normally I would just conclude that this was happening but I have recently been to the dentists and following that I have been to the hygienists. none of them have mentioned that this is happening and when I asked them they said yhh it does look a bit enflamed in these areas, hurt like hell when she was scaling around these areas with the water jet as well! I am not sure but how can i keep track of it or evenn stop it occuring Dr? it really worries me and your feedback would be priceless, thanks.
Gum recession can be a sign of an existing gum problem around your teeth. If the gum is inflamed and some of the attachment and bone around the tooth is lost, the gum “shrinks” leaving small triangular gaps between the teeth. However, if your dentist has noted that your gums are inflamed and prescribed treatment with the hygienist, it’s also expected that the inflamed gums show some “shrinkage” as a result of healing. If you have noticed that the incisor is longer, and I guess that you say that because the edge of the tooth is longer than its contralateral, it’s possible that it’s “over erupting” due to inflammation deep in the tissues. A radiograph can clarify this and reveal any other possible explanation. I advise you to see your dentist again and/or request a second opinion.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: www.malldental.com Tel: 0161 830 7300

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