I think I have gum disease, but I am not the biggest fan of the dentist, do you have any advice?

hi, I think I may have some form of gum disease but I have bit of a phobia of the dentistry. if I need to visit a dentist I accept it and will go but I want to avoid just going for the sake of it so I popped on here first to ask about it, I think I may go anyway but still, what will a dentist do to determine whether I do or don’t have it that I can’t otherwise do at home ? and If I do have gum disease of some form what will he do then will he extract a tooth in the area or start doing any surgery? if someone like me turns up with gum disease what will the dentist do? I am not that afraid of going just nervous a bit so I just want to be informed about gum disease and dentist before I do, thank you Dr.
It is important to assess the state of your gums to prevent or treat any potential gum disease that in some individuals can result in the loss of bone and teeth. Only a thorough dental examination can tell you about the real state of your gums. The treatment can be simple or complex and the decisions regarding what you need will be based on whether your condition is mild, moderate or severe.

The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation, eliminate pockets if present, and address any underlying causes. It is essential to have the teeth cleaned thoroughly. This may involve use of various instruments or devices to loosen and remove deposits from the teeth (scaling). Meticulous home oral hygiene is necessary after professional tooth cleaning to limit further destruction. The dentist or hygienist will demonstrate brushing and flossing techniques. With periodontitis, professional tooth cleaning is often recommended more frequently than the standard twice a year.

Surgical treatment may be necessary in severe cases that do not respond to conventional treatment. Deep pockets may need to be opened and cleaned. Loose teeth may need to be supported. Extraction (removal) of a tooth may be necessary for very advanced periodontitis so destruction doesn’t spread to adjacent teeth.

You should discuss your concerns with your dentist openly after or during the assessment that I definitely advise you to request.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: www.malldental.com Tel: 0161 830 7300

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