I think I have got gingivitis. Can you tell me about signs of the condition and relevant treatment?

Hi Doctor I think I have got gingivitis. I dont think It’s more serious than that at this point. my breath does smell a little and my gums bleed on brushing- and have actually bled spontaneously a few times, the gums are a bit red and tender and by my own admission my oral hygiene hasn’t been great up until now and I assume its a result of that. I have a couple of questions of the back of this. I know it can take between 7-10 days to get rid of gingivitis but how long does it take to kick in/contract? also if this is gum disease how do I get rid of it (I know go to my dentist but what happens?)? thanks
By your description, yes, you may have gingivitis. The development of gingivitis in an individual is very influenced by “strength/competence” of the immune response. Some individuals will develop within a week others will take up to 2-3 weeks. Highly variable! It develops after prolonged periods of lack/mediocre oral hygiene.
It’s treatment is rather simple; oral hygiene improvement on a regular daily basis and removal of any local irritants (calculus, ill-fitting fillings, etc…). An antibacterial mouthwash can add to the speed of recovery. My best advise is for you to consult your dentist/hygienist for an adequate diagnosis and treatment plan.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: www.malldental.com Tel: 0161 830 7300

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