Category “Q. Catching gum disease”

I have a dark ‘blob’ on my gum, could it be gum disease?

December 23rd, 2011

Hello. Dr Ian Dunn I have a question about my gums and I’m worried I may have gum disease at an early form. I dont think I have ever had gum disease as i have never had any issues with my gums before now, not any of the ones listed on this website anyway. the problem is I was looking at my gums whilst flossing the other day and I noticed there is small dark patch just above my right upper central tooth. it looks like a vein would just under the surface, dark. but its a blob shape not a wirey shape? I have never noticed it before so i assume its new, its now been there for three days and has worried me a little what would be your thiughts on this situation? thank you

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

Has my pregnancy caused gum disease?

December 23rd, 2011

I am into my second month of pregnancy and I have just been informed after a recommended visit to my dentist that I have gum disease. There is blood when I brush and it was this that first alerted me to this. When I told a friend about this they told me to go to the dentist. Is there any way to treat it without causing any harm to my unborn baby and will it be permanent. Please, this is quite an urgent matter.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

Can eating lots of sweets, pre-diabetes and gum disease all be linked?

December 2nd, 2011

hello. Dr Dunn I have a question involving gum disease. I recently looked at how much chocolate/chocolate bars/confectionery I eat and to be honest its too much- way way way to much! I know that the first thing to be damaged is obviously my teeth ad the tooth enamel. I have also been warned that if I keep it up I may contract pre diabetes? which is basically diabetes before diabetes or something. I was wondering if all three things could be linked, and aside from cutting down on the sugary things is there anything other than this that I can do to aid the health of my gums?

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

Can a common cold instigate gum disease or inflammation of the gums?

December 1st, 2011

Hi Doctor. I’m worried that my mouth will be in a state of disrepair this winter and I know that sounds silly but allow me. a few days ago I came down with a reall bad cold and I’m worried that that may impact on the health of my teeth/gums. what I want to know is whether or not gum disease can be instigated/contracted as a side effect if you will of the common cold? my jaw muscles really ache and this makes me kind of teeeth if you get me, makes me tense my jaw- clasping my jaw shut, to try and resist the aching temporarily. I was wondering whether this could cause irritation to my gums or something? it sounds fair fetched but it better to be safe than sorry and ask an expert, as far as I’m aware my gums are in fine condition at the present and I don’t want that to change.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

I have swollen gums, is this a sign of gum disease?

November 28th, 2011

I looked on your website and it says that swollen gums are a sign of gum disease so I decided to contact you right away about a potential issue that I have with my gums. I dont know if my gums are technically swollen or not as they are mostly tight but if i have a swollen line as such running along the gum line would you say that was inflammation and therefore a sign of gum disease or is it just the way the gum has fallen? to give you an idea it looks like carpet against the wall, as in the whole face is OK but the edge has just lapped up a bit? it mainly occurs around the site of my upper right and left canine but its just about visible around some other teeth.

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

My gums are receding but my dentist says I don’t have gum disease, can that happen?

November 28th, 2011

I have noticed my gums receeding at an alarming rate, I first noticed it last year after using several home teeth whitening kits. I went to the dentist who said I did not have gum disease and it was part of the ageing process but I am only 38 years old. I only clean my teeth with a sonic care tooth brush and floss regulary but I have noticed that certain things I do make it worse like brushing too much and using whitening tooth paste.
Hope you can help

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

As I am type 2 diabetic am I at greater risk of gum disease?

November 28th, 2011

hello after having pre-diabetes, sustained for some time I have now been diagnosed with type two diabetes, It is not as serious as I always thought. however I have heard stories and whispers linking gum disease and diabetes, I have heard that gum disease is also linked to strokes and bodies can inherit ways of dealing with plaque (or not doing in this case). put all them together and my mum once had a stroke, which she is now perfectly over- I inherit her bodies way of dealing with plaque get gum disease and diabetes? it is farfetched but I wanted you opinion on gum disease and diabetes, am I more at risk now than I was before and what can I do? thanks Dr

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

My top teeth feel a little wobbly, should I be worried?

November 28th, 2011


I have recently seen a dentist despite not seeing him for 8-10 years as I suffer from extreme health anxiety which leaves me incapacitated. During this period i had the odd bleeding gums during brushing but nothing extreme, no pain etc. When I saw the dentist last month he said everything looked great and that my teeth and gums were fine- no disease or fillings needed.

Heres the problem, im worried that my front top teeth are mobile (only a little and only when i bite on them). The dentist assured me they were not mobile, but I have trust issues and am convinced that I have gum disease. Could there be something he’s missing or do I need a second opinion?

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

I think I have gum disease, but I am not the biggest fan of the dentist, do you have any advice?

October 27th, 2011

hi, I think I may have some form of gum disease but I have bit of a phobia of the dentistry. if I need to visit a dentist I accept it and will go but I want to avoid just going for the sake of it so I popped on here first to ask about it, I think I may go anyway but still, what will a dentist do to determine whether I do or don’t have it that I can’t otherwise do at home ? and If I do have gum disease of some form what will he do then will he extract a tooth in the area or start doing any surgery? if someone like me turns up with gum disease what will the dentist do? I am not that afraid of going just nervous a bit so I just want to be informed about gum disease and dentist before I do, thank you Dr.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

I can feel a ridge at the bottom of my tooth on the gum line, do I have periodontitis?

October 21st, 2011

Is there a good way of checking for periodontal disease. I was flossing the other day and felt a ridge just at my gum line on one or two of my teeth with the spikey bit. I looked online and apparently this could be the bottom of my enamel/ start of my roots. this worried me as I have has a bit of gingivitis in the past but had hoped to have eradicated it. upon my research I found that periodontal disease was the destructive version of the disease and i’m worried I may have it. could you tell me the difference between to gingivitis and periodontal disease as well as how I can check for it. thank you for your help

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300