Can I use manuka honey to treat my gum disease?

hi i have been told by my dentist that i have periodontisr gum disease after several visits to the dentist hygienist (with no real results)i have now been referred to an”expert” in the field, i would like to know ur thoughts on manuka honey and its anti bacterial effect on gum disease as a possible cure seeing as trips to the dentists are having no effect, would greatly appreciate ur thoughts on the matter ,thankyou.
The effect of manuka honey on the treatment of gum disease has not been tested. It has antibacterial properties and it has been used to try to reduce the superficial inflammation of the gums (applied on the surface) but there is not any available evident to support its effective use in curing the problem. Successful treatment requires effective removal of the plaque both over the gums and under the gums in addition to adequate management of other individual factors that may be involved. When the pockets normally associated with gum disease are deep effective removal of the deposits hidden under the gum requires a well trained and experienced hygienist or dentist. If you have been referred to an expert in this field he/she will be able to advise you the best course of action depending on the current condition of your gums.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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