Can gum disease develop over night?

Can tooth abscess/ tooth ache cause gum disease? As I am having tooth abscess and waiting for a root canal treatment that will take place next Friday. Last Wednesday my dentist told me that I have gum disease and that tooth will need to be extracted. She never mentioned that even the day before ( Tues.) when I came to see her about swelling under my tongue. Can gum disease develop over night? I do have good oral hygiene. This tooth has large filling ( done 3 years ago) and had been very sensitive since late Dec., more to cold than hot. Then in late Jan. it became very sensitive to hot/even warm water. Then I experienced terrible tooth ache and now that the tooth is death, and I am having abscess. I do not recall that my gum bleed after brushing.
A tooth (pulp) abscess can lead to a localized and some times reversible attachment loss and even bone loss. This is how, under special conditions, the body gets read of the infection (pus). If the origin of the infection is the pulp, after a successful root canal treatment, there’s a good chance of recovery of the gum problem, at least partially. This is possible if it’s related to the pulp infection and hence localized to the affected tooth.
Gum disease does not develop overnight. It’s commonly a silent (chronic) condition but it can have periods of intense activity in some areas (burst). My advice is that you ask your dentist if this is a localized tooth problem of if it is a generalized situation and request a periodontal screening/diagnose. If in doubt consult a Specialist Periodontist for a 2nd opinion.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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