My periodontist suggested having root surface disinfectant, I’m very nervous about Local anaesthetic, is there an alternative?

I have recently visited a Periodentist to discuss problems with my teeth with a long term view to have implants. She has suggested a treatment called root surface disinfectant alongside oral Hygiene and reassessment. I have three loose teeth which she will make a decision as to whether they need to be removed after this treatment which involves Local anaesthetic. I am very nervous about LA as I have not had this before is there an alternative to this to clean the root ? without the use of local anaesthetic as I feel I may not be able to go ahead with this treatment because of this which will hold up the process of me having implants at a later stage, regards. 
Hi, The treatment offered is indeed the standard way to address a destructive gum infection (periodontitis). It really should be done with local anesthetic, i.e., you need to be numbed up so that the treatment can be delivered at the deepest pockets. Local anesthesia these days can be done in a very gentle way, we can use first a gel to numb the surface and so you won’t even feel the “pinch”. If this is a real problem for you and you feel that this will hinder your ability to cope with it all, they can offer you conscious sedation. This is a procedure that will allow you to receive dental treatment with LA and not be “bothered” at all (you’ll feel drowsy and relaxed very quickly) and also, you won’t recall any of it. There are several forms of sedation (given orally and intravenously and even with “gas & air”), you are fully conscious (unlike general anesthesia) and hence respond to instructions, but the medication we give you will take the edge of it. You should discuss these options with your Periodontist and see what the Practice can offer you.
It is of great importance that the gum infection is fully controlled before you can contemplate implant treatment. I hope this is helpful.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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