I got over periodontal disease, can it return and what do I look for?

Hi there, I am very pleased to say that I got over my periodontal disease and have previously used this site and have had great/helpful feedback from yourself that pointed me in the right direction in terms of identifying what how serious the problem could have been and indeed was. thankyou for this. however im a bit worried that even though Ive been keeping up my oral hygiene routines he signs of gum disease seem to be returning but im not sure, is it possible to contract gingivitis after getting over periodontal disease (I thought if I was to catch them both it would have been the other way around as in gingivitis first Then periodintitis?) what are the very first signs or gingivitis or does it just start with bleeding gums?
I am glad to here that your condition improved and that my advice was helpful. After successful treatment of periodontitis it is very important to keep the results and prevent any recurrence of the disease by having regular good oral hygiene and ideally the support of a hygienist/dentist monitoring your condition. Periodontal disease is treatable but your individual susceptibility to get it remains and the risk can increase if any of the risk factors (stress is one of them) increases. If your oral hygiene drops and some plaque is left behind this may result in marginal inflammation of the gum (gingivitis) that may or may not progress into further bone loss and pocketing (periodontitis). In other words the same process all over again and the problem is that the bone loss is accumulative over a lifetime and repeated episodes of disease activity can cause tooth loss.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: www.malldental.com Tel: 0161 830 7300

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