Does having your teeth scaled do more damage than good if you have gum problems?

Hi Dr I’m currently receiving gum and teeth treatment at my local dental clinic. I have had a few teeth pulled because of my gum’s. I have had my teeth scaled top and bottom in four stage’s can you tell me please if having your teeth scaled can do more damage than good if you already have a slight gum problem ? And if I already have a crown but have lost the root of the tooth it’s fitted to is there another way I could keep it attached to my gum ? Without having to replace it with a denture.?
Scaling usually involves removing soft and hard deposits (plaque and calculus) attached to the teeth to allow a positive response of the gums (healing and tightening). Therefore scaling teeth should be definitely good for your gums. However, increased sensitivity of your teeth after treatment is possible and the efficiency and expertise of the person doing the treatment can influence the results. Regarding your lost root I assume that there is not enough tooth structure left if any and basically the whole tooth is lost. Nevertheless there are usually available alternative options to replace a tooth other than a denture such as a bridge or implant. Your dentist should be able to assess if these options are possible in your case.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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