Could diet affect my gum health and be the reason for pain?

Dear My Dunn,

I have been experiencing tooth pains recently and had wondered why. I think It is down to my diet and sugary things i drink. I do not smoke or any of that. I do not drink alcohol excessvely either. I contemplated that as everything in my mouth is physically conected then the prblems and reasons may be also. the teeth are aching somewhat as i say but i wondered if this could have anything to do with my gum? could my diet affect my gums health as they do my teeth? thanks Dr, your time is appreciated

Hi and thank you for your question, I would say that one’s diet can definitely affect teeth and gums but gum disease is usually not painful. At this stage I would recommend having your teeth checked by a dentist as soon as you can, who can take some x-rays to see what is happening to cause this aching sensation. I hope this helps and good luck with it. Dr Ian Dunn
Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

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