Posts tagged “red gums”

In your opinion would you say that I have gum disease?

February 17th, 2012

Good day,

I have being having bleeding gums for a very long time when ever I brush and have something like blisters that come inside my mouth once in a while and my gums are not pink in colour and most parts of it are red and due to a commercial I saw recently, I have reasonable cause to believe I have gum disease.

I want to find out ifthese symptoms is a sign of this disease of its just anxiety that the commercial was referring to me because I really never took notice of it and paid little attention to it until yesterday when the bleeding continued when I was brushing and when the wound seemed to have healed,I started feeling the pains again.

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

The gum under my lower teeth seems a little too red to me?

January 26th, 2012

Hiya i am 23 years old. I have recently noticed that my gums under my lower front two teeth are becoming a little red. The gums around the teeth are becoming a little loose too,but not to the extent of hanging off. The gums judt.move if i touch them. The gums and teeth don’t hurt and i have no pain at all. When i wake up in the morning there is no redness,but throught the day it appears. I am currently using Oral B toothpaste,and have bought acohol free Chorysdal mouthwash.I was just
wondering what this may be? I also rinse my mouth in warm salt water to prevent infection. Please can you help?

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

My front tooth is sensitive to cold and gums are red and sore. What is the cause?

January 4th, 2012

Hello Jose,

Ive recently gotten over a nasty head cold and am experiencing mild upper jaw pain I was thinking that this was my sinuses as Ive had that happen before. However, I also have slightly red, but sore gums above two teeth on that side, a few teeth in from my front ones, and one in particular is sensitive to touch or cold air. I first noticed its sensitivity when I went to a hygienist appointment 3 weeks ago and the scrapping caused a sharp sensitive pain. I go to the dentist once a year and the hygienist every 6 months religiously and try to take care of my teeth, so would be suprised if this was cavity pain. I have noticed an increase in the sensitivity of all of my teeth recently perhaps because I had to change from my electric toothbrush to a normal one for a while? Or do you think this is the start of gum disease?
I’m 27, and have no history of gum disease…had no fillings either.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

I have had red gums for 6 years. The doctors gave me medicine twice ,but nothing helps, what do I do?

October 12th, 2011

I have had red gums for 6 years,dentist tryed every thing then i went to doctors she gave me medicine twice ,but nothing helps, could you help me ,i must say i did have Pylora

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300