Gum disease FAQs

Q) Can you tell me exactly what gum disease is?

A) In a nutshell, gum disease refers to the swelling, soreness and/or bleeding of the tissues supporting the teeth. The two types of gum disease are gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Q) What is gingivitis?

A) Basically, gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums. A symptom of this is that the gums, which are likely to be swollen, might bleed when brushed.

Q) What is periodontal disease?

A) This can occur when gingivitis goes untreated. As it gets worse, the bone connecting the teeth in the jaw is lost. This can lead to the teeth becoming loose and eventually they might fall out.

Q) What are the symptoms?

A) These should be relatively simple to spot - they include swollen gums which bleed when brushed and flossed. The teeth around the affected spot may become sensitive and even loose.

Q) Can you tell me what causes gum disease?

A) Plaque. That’s the simple answer to this question. By regularly brushing and flossing you can help rid your mouth of plaque and in the process stop if from causing gum disease. In addition, smoking can make gum disease worse.

Q) How can gum disease be treated?

A) Take care of your teeth first and foremost to prevent it from occurring - regularly brush and floss and make sure to have frequent check-ups with your dentist. If gum disease does occur then the treatment administered will depend on the extent of the problem. Antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce the swelling,

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