Gum disease and other dental treatments

If you have gum disease it can, as you might expect, have a significant bearing on your teeth. A patient might experience pain or loose teeth as part of the symptoms. As a consequence of gum disease, it can have a major bearing on dental implants too. We will now explore the effects on dental treatments a patient may have.

Dental implants

If you are considering getting dental implants your dentist will first need to assess your oral health first. It is not recommended to put in dental implants until any existing gum disease has been treated.

A consequence of not having an existing gum disease treated is that it’s likely the disease will affect the dental implant and things could become rather serious. Inflammation and bone loss are some of the problems that might arise.

Once the dental implants are in place it’s part of the course of treatment for the dentist to regularly check your mouth to ensure it has accommodated the treatment. Any problems with gum disease can be identified from there on and consequently treated.

What happens if gum disease arises while the dental implants are in place?

If the dental implants are in place and gum disease arises, notably within the same area, then there would obviously be cause for the dentist to go ahead with the necessary treatment to tackle the problem.

The dentist may want to assess whether the dental implant has had any bearing on causing the gum disease to arise. If this was the case then the implants may need to be removed or have their position altered. It is also possible for the dentist to work around the dental implants too.

The key point to bear in mind is to seek immediate advice from your GP or dentist if you suspect you may have the symptoms of gum disease. They will be able to assess the relationship between the dental implants and disease and administer the treatment accordingly.


It is not a good idea to get braces if there are signs of gum disease. Anyhow, the dentist would not allow treatment to go ahead if there were any potential symptoms that could jeopardise the treatment. The reason for this is that such a device can make it more difficult for you to clean your teeth, specifically in the case of a metal brace. If this were the case then it would allow for the condition to worsen as it is harder to reach. If you have had gum disease in the past but the condition has cleared up then you should be able to get braces. Discuss options with your dentist to find out what the best course of action is.

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