What should I do about a torn gum?

Hi Dr Zurdo, as i have been brushing my teeth i noticed a deep cut on my lower jaw from my gum. this tear is quite bad as the gum is hanging off my bottom front two teeth. it is not paining whatsoever however i am worried about what i should do or what it is? i also have braces and one of my brackets have peirced into my gum. please help me and advise on what i should do about this.
Hello and thank you for asking your question. I understand that you may have a mechanical trauma (wound) caused probably by your braces, sometimes it is even possible to damage the gum with too aggressive brushing if the gum is very thin. I advise you to see your dentist so that the real cause is identified and the damage properly assessed. It may well be that the gums heal as soon as the cause is intercepted but occasionally it is advisable to repair or graft the gums if the lesion can compromise the long-term stability of the teeth.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: www.malldental.com Tel: 0161 830 7300

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