Posts tagged “grinding teeth”

My gums are starting to recede and I grind my teeth.I brush twice a day, use mouthwash and occasionally floss, how can go about stopping these problems?

April 19th, 2012

It looks like my gums are starting to recede. I visit the dentist regularly and would thought my dentist might have noticed this and said something.
How can I go about stopping this problem and restore healthy gums.
I brush twice a day and also use mouth wash and occasionally floss.
Thanks for your time.
Do you recommend using a electric toothbrush or just a standard one?
I also grind my teeth in my sleep. Any tips on how to stop this?

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

Will antibiotics help stop my gums aching and bleeding?

December 22nd, 2011


I have had aching gums for a while now and didn’t realise that it was anything abnormal.  I went to the dentist and he told me that It has meant that I have been pressing my teeth together which has probably made matters worse. I only realised when my dentist said that I need to start flossing. Is that going to cure things or do I need to take anti-biotics? I dont want to keep going on with bleeding and aching gums.

Thanks for your help

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700

Can a common cold instigate gum disease or inflammation of the gums?

December 1st, 2011

Hi Doctor. I’m worried that my mouth will be in a state of disrepair this winter and I know that sounds silly but allow me. a few days ago I came down with a reall bad cold and I’m worried that that may impact on the health of my teeth/gums. what I want to know is whether or not gum disease can be instigated/contracted as a side effect if you will of the common cold? my jaw muscles really ache and this makes me kind of teeeth if you get me, makes me tense my jaw- clasping my jaw shut, to try and resist the aching temporarily. I was wondering whether this could cause irritation to my gums or something? it sounds fair fetched but it better to be safe than sorry and ask an expert, as far as I’m aware my gums are in fine condition at the present and I don’t want that to change.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

I think I have a cracked gum, have you seen this before and what can I do?

October 21st, 2011

hello, There is what I think is a crack in my gum. there’s just a dark line traversing my gum vertically. its right between the canine and the tooth behind on the left hand side. my friend seems to thing i may have exercised a poor diet and have put two much pressure on that area consistently whist another has put it down to stress (I do have a stressful job), I dont nkow whats what? I hadn’t noticed it until the other day and as such believe it has only just come to be otherwise I would have noticed it and seeked some form of help before now. have you heard of cracked gums before and what does it mean? is this a sign of gum disease and can I get rid of it, Im wondering whether the gum in that area will grow back or not at all? if you could please give me some information that would be most appreciated thanks a lot.

Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300