Posts tagged “deep root surface clean”

Is a deep root surface clean a good idea or unnecessary?

February 17th, 2012

He there Dr. I’m sure I have gum disease of some form. I have looked around at treatments which as you know vary from cleaning properly to having a deep rooth surface clean and/or even surgery. What I want to know is if I don’t have full on gum disease would it still be advisable to have a deep clean under local anesthesia at some point to make sure I keep it at bay or will this do damagae to the gums in local areas?? I’m a little stuck and perhaps just trying to tread carefully.

Dr Ian Dunn

Dr Ian Dunn

PurelyPerio Clinic 334, PO Box 334, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 0AG Web: Tel: 01625 419700