Should I have laser surgery treatment to get rid of periodontal disease?

Hi there Jose! I was recently diagnosed with periodontal disease. I was told by my periodontist that laser surgery might be appropriate for my condition. I had a number of questions as I don’t know much about this type of treatment so my main concern was is it safe? Has this type of treatment been successful in the past? How long have they being using this type of treatment? Does it hurt? How many treatments on average to people need? How much does it cost? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, there are many laser treatment techniques and indeed they can be applied to gum disease control. They are safe, if used correctly. There is scientific evidence of they clinical benefit and data is available from 10-15 years, but there are many new lasers on the market. Depending of the laser type you may require local anesthesia. The treatment protocols (length and number of visits) vary and the costs as well. My best advise is for you to make these same questions to the Periodontist who is offering this technique.
“At the end of the day” the key for successful periodontal treatment and maintenance is a highly efficient self-performed oral hygiene combined with subgingival treatment (hand-instruments, ultrasonics and even the use of lasers) !!
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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