Can a misaligned tooth be treated if I have gum disease?

Hi I have just been diagnosed by my dentist that I have gum disease. I was put on a course of antibiotics and am waiting for my next appointment. My front tooth has moved and I am very uncomfortable and conscious of this can you please advise if I can get this sorted even though I have gum disease.
Gum disease is in most cases manageable with adequate treatment that may be simple or complex depending on the situation. Antibiotics can be helpful to control acute phases of the disease but they do not have any long-term effect if there are pockets under the gum with hidden plaque causing inflammation and progressive bone loss. If your upper front tooth and may be other teeth have active gum disease you need a detailed assessment of the severity and extent of the problem to decide which treatment is suitable for you. A sensible starting point would be to treat the pockets with thorough professional cleaning to remove any deposit or plaque present under the gum margins together with meticulous oral hygiene at home and re-evaluate the response to this treatment. I advise you to discuss with your dentist the need for referral to a gum specialist (periodontist) if the problem is not controlled or severe, particularly if the tooth is considered to have a doubtful prognosis or is causing you discomfort and/or unsatisfactory appearance. If the disease has gone too far, extraction and replacement is always an option.
Dr Jose Zurdo

Dr Jose Zurdo

Mall Dental Care
Pall Mall, Manchester, M2 4DU
Web: Tel: 0161 830 7300

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